“I crossed the tribal lands of the Passamaquoddy, Pwenobscot, Mohawk and Delaware in the North. Pawnee, Cheyenne, Kiowa and Sioux in the mid-west and the South I cycled through Navajo, Comanche, Hopi, Ute, and Apache land.

I stopped at trading posts in the reservations to buy food and fill my water bottles and I was struck by the sadness of these places. Unemployment, desert dry, corruption, alcoholism and illness. The Native Americans were always friendly and asked me where I had come from and where I would go to.

“Boston? The Boston? That’s a very long ways man.…. a long ways…”

– Navajo elder

8 October 2012/A truck stop in Basine, Kansas//Pen & ink, watercolour

This is the second part of a two books about the long road bike tour through Asia and North America. Part two is called:

“Ride into the Mirror//Sketchbook//North America:
On Trekky through South East Asia.

It is the compelling story of Geert’s ride in 2012, through 16 American states and into Québec, Canada

This large sized book contains 200 pages, printed on Mohawk Superfine Eggshell, uncoated paper.

Book size: 10x8 in, 25x20cm

Preview and availability at: Blurb.com


Front cover;

“Ride into the Mirror”
On Stumpjumper and Trekky
through South East Asia
[Stage Two]
Sketches & Stories

On my journey I had one nemesis and it caused a crazy amount of broken spokes, and even a few wheels. My rear wheel [third on the journey] forms the cover image

A wild camp at a misty lake in the Ozark Mountains, Missouri

A wild camp at a misty lake in the Ozark Mountains, Missouri

A few times I camped in the middle of towns in the States. At this place I went to the cop shop and the kind police woman told me I could pitch my tent in the park. “It’s gonna be a cold night sir…” she said.I’m not sure I would do this again

A few times I camped in the middle of towns in the States. At this place I went to the cop shop and the kind police woman told me I could pitch my tent in the park. “It’s gonna be a cold night sir…” she said.

I’m not sure I would do this again

Tlc for Trekky, Hutchinson, Kansas

Tlc for Trekky, Hutchinson, Kansas


Monument Valley seen from Goulding, Arizona, USA